Structural Engineering Solved Problems, 5th Edition
Provides in-depth practice for both the Structural Engineering (SE) Exam and the Civil PE Exam’s Structural Depth Section
Structural Engineering Solved Problems provides in-depth practice for both the Structural Engineering (SE) Exam and the Civil PE Exam’s Structural Depth Section. It contains 100 practice problems designed to help readers recognize critical concepts and apply knowledge of structural engineering topics.
Practice problems are organized by level of difficulty within each chapter. Qualitative short-answer practice problems begin each chapter to assess comprehension of fundamental structural engineering concepts. Increasingly complex design and analysis problems challenge skill in identifying and applying related codes and equations as each chapter progresses. Each corresponding solution contains an explanation that demonstrates the steps needed to reach the correct solution. Alternative solution methods are presented where appropriate.
- Contains 100 practice problems
- Includes step-by-step solutions for all practice problems
- Uses both the AISC ASD and LRFD solution methods
- References the most recent NCEES-adopted codes and standards for the Structural Engineering (SE) exam and Civil PE exam’s structural depth section
- Covers exam topics including foundations and retaining structures; structural concrete design; masonry design; structural steel design; seismic design; timber design, and structural analysis.
Relevant codes and standards are referenced so readers can easily locate required information.