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Drafting & Design Engineering Drawing using Manual and CAD Techniques 7th Edition

The 7th Edition has been extensively revised and expanded to cover manual drafting and CAD in tandem

Drafting & Design Engineering Drawing using Manual and CAD Techniques 7th Edition

Price: $120.00

Product Code: 9781590709030

ISBN: 9781590709030


Binding: Hardcover

Publisher: Goodheart-Willcox

The 7th edition of Drafting & Design has been extensively expanded as was revised to cover manual drafting in the CAD environment. This comprehensive text was designed with highly detailed illustrations that better teach readers about the practices and techniques that are commonly used by drafters in the industry today. Written to meet the educational needs of both advanced students as well as beginners, this text offers invaluable instruction in both traditional drafting as well as computer aided drafting. New additions to this text include a step-by-step, detailed text of drafting procedures to illustrate the techniques and tools of the trade, as well as two new chapters on computer-aided design in order to provide in-depth coverage of CAD principles, applications and commands. A new chapter has also been added covering structural drafting, as well as additional chapters on drafting disciplines, collect full and electronic strapping, architectural drafting, welding drafting, map and survey drafting.

In addition, new drafting problems and new hands-on drafting procedures have been added, and are presented with detailed illustrations as well as CAD drafting coverage throughout the text. The book also covers the development of section views, auxiliary views, the coral drawings, intersections, revolutions and developments. Additionally, the text provides a coverage of drafting careers, manufacturing processes and drawing management. Coverage is presented from geometric constructions to a more advanced introduction to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing. The text offers a problem-solving approach that is emphasized throughout the book in order to abide by strict adherence to industry and ANSI standards. 912 pp.

Table of Contents:

  • 1. Drafting and the Drafter
  • 2. Traditional Drafting Equipment and Drawing Techniques
  • 3. Introduction to CAD
  • 4. CAD Commands and Functions
  • 5. Sketching, Lettering, and Text
  • 6. Basic Geometric Constructions
  • 7. Advanced Geometric Constructions
  • 8. Multiview Drawings
  • 9. Dimensioning Fundamentals
  • 10. Section Views
  • 11. Pictorial Drawings
  • 12. Auxiliary Views
  • 13. Revolutions
  • 14. Intersections
  • 15. Developments
  • 16. Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
  • 17. Working Drawings
  • 18. Threads and Fastening Devices
  • 19. Cams, Gears, and Splines
  • 20. Drawing Management
  • 21. Manufacturing Processes
  • 22. Architectural Drafting
  • 23. Structural Drafting
  • 24. Electrical and Electronics Drafting
  • 25. Map and Survey Drafting
  • 26. Welding Drafting
  • 27. Technical Illustration
  • 28. Graphs and Charts

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