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ASCE 49-21 Wind Tunnel Testing for Buildings and Other Structures

ASCE 49-21 Wind Tunnel Testing for Buildings and Other Structures

Price: $133.95

Product Code: 9780784415740

ISBN: 9780784415740


Binding: Paperback

Publisher: ASCE

Prepared by the Wind Tunnel Testing for Buildings and Other Structures Standards Committee of the Codes and Standards Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE
Wind Tunnel Testing for Buildings and Other Structures, Standard ASCE/SEI 49-21, provides the minimum requirements for conducting and interpreting wind tunnel tests to determine wind loads on buildings and other structures. Wind tunnel tests are used to predict wind loads and responses of a structure, structural components, and cladding to a variety of wind conditions. This standard includes commentary that elaborates on the background and application of the requirements.

Topics include simulation of wind in boundary-layer wind tunnels, local and area-averaged wind loads, overall wind effects, aero elastically active structures, extreme wind climate, and snow load model studies.

New to this version are requirements for wind loads on products. Wind loads are a critical design consideration for many mass-produced products that are constructed or installed at different sites and in many different situations. Such products can be building-mounted (sunshades, solar racking, HVAC units, screen walls) or free-standing (ground-mounted solar trackers, gazebos, fences, communication towers). In addition, commentary guidance is provided for determining wind loads on buildings and other structures in tornadoes, which is an area of current active research.

This standard will be useful to those who design, conduct, and interpret wind tunnel tests for buildings, including structural engineers, architects, and building code officials.

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