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2022 NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection (NFPA 20-22)

2022 NFPA 20 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection (NFPA 20-22)

Price: $198.95

Product Code: 9781455927845

ISBN: 9781455927845


Binding: Paperback

Publisher: NFPA 20-22

Revised to clarify an array of requirements and applications, the 2022 edition of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, further establishes best practices to help ensure state-of-the-art fire protection.

Industry-trusted NFPA 20, Standard for the Installati on of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, offers the latest provisions to help ensure fire pump readiness and reliability. This standard offers comprehensive requirements for fire pumps, limited service controllers, and pumps in series. Designers, engineers, contractors, and installers can look to this expanded source for the latest coverage of today’s technologies and up-to-date requirements for fire pump design, electrical and mechanical construction, acceptance testing, and operation.

New requirements added in the 2022 edition address a number of recent advancements in the field of stationary pumps for fire protection.

This edition includes first-time or expanded coverage of topics such as:
Other aspects of this newest edition can help you avoid errors and misinterpretations.

  • Separate requirements for vertical and horizontal shaft centrifugal pumps
  • Automated inspection listing requirements
  • Minimum water level in storage tanks
  • Clarification of vertical fire protection zones
  • Operation and installation instructions
  • Mechanical seals requirements
  • Maximum time to achieve design pressure

The 2022 edition of NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, clarifies and enhances the requirements for numerous subjects, including pump currents, overcurrent protection devices, and transfer switch installation.

In addition, the positive pump displacement requirements have been reorganized and new performance requirements have been added. The new edition also recognizes an improvement in fuel consumption by diesel engines and changes to fuel supply tank capacity. Another topic of some importance is test header pipe size, including pipe size requirements that are based on the number of fittings used.

Fire pumps have greatly increased in number and function since their early days as backups to sprinklers, standpipes, and hydrants.

Fire protection now requires larger pumps, higher pressure, and more varied units for a wide range of systems to help better protect lives and property. Some fire pumps now serve as the major or only water supply in an area. These recent advancements in the field can help engineers, designers, contractors, and installers work more effectively.

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